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 Comment le Potentiel d'un joueur marche ???

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|| Nick ||
Midget Espoir
Midget Espoir
|| Nick ||

Messages : 451
Age : 27
Localisation : Longueil
Équipe : Comment le Potentiel d'un joueur marche ??? 237868

Comment le Potentiel d'un joueur marche ??? Empty
MessageSujet: Comment le Potentiel d'un joueur marche ???   Comment le Potentiel d'un joueur marche ??? I_icon_minitimeMar 26 Avr - 16:40

While a players potential seems like it can tell you how good he will be, it has
a hidden agenda, it will also tell you what KIND of player he will be. In the chart
above, Gomez's potantial is 82, while the 8(the first # in 82) represents his actual
potantial, the 2(the second # in 82) is what kind of player he is. 2 is the eqivialnt
of a playmaker. For an explination to these values, use the chart provided.

The last digit of the potential rating tells the players natural role. If a defenseman
gets a forward role, the role will be set to defensive defenseman in EHM. If a
forwards has a defensemans natural role, he will be an all-around offensive player in

'1 - Sniper (defensive defenceman)
'2 - Playmaker (defensive defenceman)
'3 - All-around offensive player (defensive defenceman)
'4 - Grinder / Power Forward (defensive defenceman)
'5 - Two-Way forward (defensive defenceman)
'6 - Defensive defenceman (positioning and defensive smarts) (all around forward)
'7 - Physical defenceman (all around forward)
'8 - Offensive defenceman (all around forward)
'9 - Character player (forward or defence)
'0 - Goon/Enforcer (forward or defence)
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Comment le Potentiel d'un joueur marche ???
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